Outsourcing of Service and Administrative Team

Outsourcing of Service and Administrative Team

Outsourcing of Service and Administrative Team

Recruitment and Selection of Administrative and Service Professionals

We present or make available on a fixed or separate basis professionals in the health area such as doctors, nurses, surgical instrumentators, among other specialists.

We provide professionals by the hour, consultation, surgery, daily, month or year. We have complete solutions with the right dosages for your business. All with the quality and agility that your company or team needs.

The professional is available to your company, performing all the activities assigned to him, in addition to relying on our team management that controls the quality of the workforce, measures the team according to the client's needs and finances all payments assigned to the employee.


Quality Assurance

  • Agility in hiring professionals;
  • Highly specialized HR team in identifying the best candidates;
  • Warranty on the successful candidate, subject to replacement at no cost during the service warranty period.

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