Ethics and Conduct Channel

Plenitude Medical

Plenitude Medical is committed to the highest standards of integrity in all its activities and business, in accordance with the Plenitude Medical Code of Ethics and Conduct ( "Code of ethics"). In order to ensure support for compliance with applicable corporate regulations, rules and policies. The institution expects its employees, collaborators, customers, candidates, partners or suppliers (stakeholders) to promptly report any potential violations of laws, rules or policies.

Through the complaint channel it is possible to report, without the need to identify themselves, situations with signs of illegality of any nature (workplace safety, moral harassment, sexual harassment, irregular working conditions, conflicts of interest, prejudice, discrimination, corruption, security, misconduct) related to the activities of Plenitude Medical.

The report may initiate internal investigations as well as investigations by public authorities, depending on the case. For this reason, the information provided must be truthful and as complete as possible.

Fullness Medical recognizes the importance of protecting those who report misconduct, and therefore prohibits any type of retaliation against them. To ensure anonymity, Plenitude Medical makes it possible to receive reports anonymously by choosing the opt-out option on the report form.

Plenitude Medical has a Whistleblowing Channel where complaints and/or denouncements can be made through the electronic platform, as shown below.

Ethics and Conduct Channel

Ethics and Conduct Channel